Commons Transport Network Infrastructure

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Cosmobird + Ganesh 10 Feb 2017 30 mins. cc-by-nc-sa

How and Why would Transportation come into existence ?

Well, i do not know the actual history of transportation, that actually got evolved along with the human civilization. It is one of those hyper interdisciplinary subjects that are always researched asking further and deeper questions. We also know for sure that other living beings also have their transportation phenomenon and some times very sophisticated than constructed ever by a human civilization. Thus the field of transportation always borrows, copies and steals thoughts, learnings and innovations from other disciplines of science. For instance Biology, Information Science ...

However, contemplating and thinking of WHY ? & HOW ? it has evolved into its current form is really really tempting. Also its relation with fundamental facts of nature also drives one to ask other questions that lead to further exploration. I also know that it is impossible to cover the historical relationships between events, innovations, that have given birth to current form of transportation. Me learning at the intersection of Geography, Human Labour, Innovation in Technology, Wise usage of Materials, Planning of Resources for Transportation, its huge influence in Economics at every scale with the current knowledge in modern Information and Communication infrastructure systems, helps me ask further questions about the possibilities of future transportation systems.

I sincerely hope, that i would keep updating this series of articles to ensure the state of my mind to avoid arbitrary hiccups in thought process that disturbs the current thought process. My learning of Transportation system started with my family - my dad was a technical staff in one of the regional transport authority offices of TamilNadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC). I have seen him working at the bus stations, at the office premises, at the depots, quarelling with people, discussing with the staffs, shouting to gather and guide people to their correct buses, organizing and taking part in protests, vangaurding the computerization in administration, management, purchase etc...


Transport Infrastructure constructure sets the roadway for a nations economic condition. It represents the nervous system of a country. It literally adapted ideas from transportation of minerals in a nervous system of a biological organism. For a nation it does the same thing - transports material goods from one place to another. It consists of two important basic entity at an abstract level :

  1. Mode of Transport:
    • Road Ways
    • Rail Ways
    • Water Ways
    • Air Ways
  2. Vehicle for Transportation
  3. Thing to Transport:
    • Goods
    • Passengers

As we know, infrastructure construction and management requires natural resources and human labour for proper functioning & management. Just like any other wide scale infrastructre, transport infrastructure depends and builds upon a fundamental necessity of human sustenance. This necessity co-evolved with us. It has influenced our way of thinking and in turn gets influenced by it. Phenomenon of Transportation is present at every scale of nature. It founts two other related phenomena: Travel & Traffic. Transport systems deal with flow of material, flow of information - spanning its view point from the perspectives of:


Transport Systems are a continuously evolving creature. At a wider view point, one can see its behavior reacting to changes in other systems. It is so sensitive to change. It is a platform where changes gets materialized. It represents flow and thus impedance in flow represents the impedance in the purpose of transport system itself. It is just not a platform laid out to carry out the flow of vehicles. It represents the hard labour that constructed & maintaining it. Repaying it with monetary incentive cannot be equated to its usage. It almost follows several design philosophy. It is minimal, it is honest, it needs to be safe, it tries to reduce fuel consumption, maximize life. But it is still massive, complex, exhaustive to maintain a huge transport network.