Understand thy Infrastructure

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Cosmobird + Ganesh 18 Feb 2017
30 Aug 2017
30 mins. cc-by-nc-sa


Hi there ! after reading the previous two posts on communication infrastructure, & social audit, its influence on driving the fundamental questions about the way we connected, which might either make you feel bored or helped u think further, i believe, that this & following posts will discuss about the Design, Organization, Architectural, Practicality aspects of Commons Communication Infrastructure. Contents are subject to update.


Every communication infrastructure requires an architectural organization, in order to understand how the systems are connected together, based on their requirement & purpose, with other subsystems or submodules. This architectural layout simply illustrates the interfacing between the subsystems. Orchestration of this architecture results in a implementable system having a degree of modularity. To achieve flexibility in the system design, modularity is essential.

Thus before opening the doors of excursion towards a life style for self reliable and self hosted peer prodused emergent Internet, it is wise to know how & why the modules are orchestrated based on requirements & expected flexibility. This necessitates one, to understand the basic operations of a Communication System in general Technical terms. I believe a short discourse would provide the required lexicon that will guide your further in interpreting the integration of systems for communication.

COMMUNICATION: Agents & Mediums

Any communication infrastructure will atleast require two parties and a common medium connected between the two. The pre-requisite is that the two parties could understand each other languages or speak the same language or create a new language to facilitate their communication wisely. Thus the three conditions are :

Let us consider a simplistic model of real world situation, two persons talking with each other... Keeping the parties & language as a known constant, they could converse using the following mediums :

Simplistic Communication view
  1. Script based information + intelligent carrier + physical transportation

    Intentions are represented though the scripts defined by the chosen & agreed language of communication. The parties involved communicate with each other by employing a intelligent & loyal carrier or either semi-intelligent carrier to transfer information to and fro. Thus the scripts are the information which will be interpreted back as original intentions of the sender by the reciever. Usually humans or any other animals trained to carry the information is the communication medium here. Thus the reliability of communication completely depends upon the the medium employed.

    Third party dependency
    dependency parameters
    Dependency parameters

    What are all the parameters that influence the selection of communication medium ?

    • Spatial Distance
    • Secrecy
    • Life support

    Here the link between the parties, always refreshed by the frequency of transportation executed by the intelligent carrier. Thus the carrier (human or bird or animals) used for for transportation establishes the link which in turn is interpreted as the medium of communication.

  2. Electrical information + electromagnetic carrier + link layout

    With the discovery of electromagnetics, radio, and formation of electromagnetic field theory, advancements in semiconducting electronics, information theory : created massive disruption in the way we communicate with each other. Communication needs no more intervention of humans or birds - instead replaced with systems which can continuously be operated to enable communication.

    Suddenly everybody can afford to own a communication channel, and whoever subscribes to lease a communication channel, can readily converse with the other using some unique identification. This seeded the social & private communication media. In the realm of mass communication, similar technology was adapted using broadcasting mechanisms which merrily accelerate propaganda and speeches of leaders to reach the masses within blink of an eye.

    Simplistic but Radio based Communication view

    People are no more seperated by Spatial Distance. Electromagnetic field & affordable Electronics virtually eradicated the distance. With rapid changes in mechanized communication systems, every human in the loop repeating stuff are replaced by ever increasing electronic/information machines/appliances which decreases the supply of life support mechanisms & policies in the infrastructure. We now have a paradigm shift in mode of communication. Instead of deploying a physical carrier, we harness the natural energy - electromagnetic field as the common medium. Suddenly, we now recognize communication links that are invisible and replace transport which was once the primary medium of communication. And these links humanly organized and aggregated together to form communication networks.


With more & more marketing of communication appliances, it gained social mass, which further raised the pressure on improving technologies that could scale with the density of subscription. This created a perpetual loop between the technology & social gravity. Moreover we are experiencing a sea change in making every machine communicable to bring some degree of intelligence through online services. This comes with huge cost.

  1. Huge centralized computing systems
  2. Elevated level of maintenance
  3. Large Power consumption
  4. Never ending Storage - accumulation of storage devices
  5. Creating unnecessary Information logistics
  6. Reduction - Presuming Prosumers of content as just consumers

Providing centralized services and marketing them with huge financial support - makes people think that such complex infrastructure could not be instantiated locally and scaling with people participation becomes much more hard. It has already becoming normative that being connected and dependent on some centralized service free of cost is the smart decision one could take. It is considered radical to go independent, self hosted and disconnected from only those centralized services that trade and brokerage information.

Pepetuating loops with dependency & profit mechanisms

Now the influence is shifted towards a different set of parameters :


Technology is itself a continuum of transitions adapting changes that arise from time to time. Communication technology is no matter different from it, and thus people has to adapt for it provides the necessary facility that enable them to communicate - a vital necessity for survival. When the degree of change is rapid, probabilistically there is a good chance for people to get confused about choosing a system that is right for them. Similarly when one is interested in taking a self-reliance path for communication, they will adapt to the requirements and available systems.

Centralized Dependency

Transitioning from a centralized communication infrastructure towards a alternate emergent communication system will have its troughs & valleys providing an artistic perspective along with a scientific perspective to the practice. It is about being part of the change itself, rather than only enjoying the fruits of change. This marks the true participation for a democratic & rightful owning of the infrastructure in cultural form.

Is it worth ?

The transition serves as a guide for critically thinking about leaning the services they depend upon, how to replicate a similar functionality and interface locally in a self hosted way. Help understand the distinction between computation appliance, information appliacne & communication appliance.

Curiosity, Dreams & Impetus !

So before, going through the process of making ourself, self sustainable in communication, the key moudles necessary to integrate the system has to be understood. Furthermore, the phases has to be transition has to be practiced & experienced in a continuous manner, that involves learning & doing stuff in a collaborative way. The phases of transition usually involves from moving towards a self hosted services erection, and then furthering towards forming a self reliable communication system emerging a grass-roots network.

U are the Product !!!

Independence Supportive Systems

Ideally, independence is a mere hope, that helps us to be creative in ideas. Afterall, the societies we live in have interdependence on each other through sharing. We need systems, that :

What is needed ?

Modules that enable us to travel the transition are key ingridients in cooking a commons communication infrastructure. These modules have already been designed and shared based on commons based peer production principles. However, its adaptation is required more than ever. Current infrastructure have only provided us with consumer appliances that merely makes us easy to generate and consume content. In short, the gadgets that sit around us are mere information appliances, & communication is just seemed as part of the information brokering process.

Power = Renewable Energy + Energy Storage + Management
Radio = Radio Electronics + Wave guides + Antennas
Protocols = Routing + Management + Networking
Operating System = Device Drivers + Firmwares
Services = Firewall + Self Hostable instances + P2P instances
Applications = Anonymization + Ease of Communication

Whereas, the transition from current centralized infrastructure to emergent networks, will enable us to have our own communication appliance build by peers in a collaborative way. Information, Communication, Network can then become part of culture instead of cogs of commodities of profit automaton. The following simplified model of the system might help in understanding the relations between them and how they are in unison form a local communication infrastructure.

Simplistic Organization

The transition from Centralized infrastructure dependency towards a self sustainable communication system, that help emerge grass-roots commons owned communication network infrastructure consists of three phases :

In short, the whole story is about how to distribute the required resources & technology by deconstructing the complexity of centralization, leaning it to fit in economically optimal way. This creates a more probable Zero Sum Game situation, that alleviates the pressure from existing infrastructure, increases civic participation, empowers local economy, and work towards the above listed supports...


Today most of the populace uses centralized web services that provide a number of solutions that are attractive in many dimensions. Since both the infrastructure & services are centralized, we have to take a double end attack on the problem. The community has to take advantage of the open systems, free software alternatives, protocols, operating systems, etc. to constract a alternative strategy and solution/stack, that includes the current online services.

One Step at a time, & One Service at a time.
One service at a time - towards a lean & mean self hostable service stack

→ PHASE 2:

While Phase 1 serving the web needs, through which every user can initiate a communication in a self hostable manner, there is a necessity to construct alternative communication infrastructure upon which the existing and future web services can run upon. This involves creating new protocols, firmware for the protocols, abstraction, tunable/definable radio hardware, modules that can intake the weather & anthropological conditions, and use the communication channel effectively, always looking for reliability rather than luxury. Ultimately this creates a self reliable communication infrastructure, which aims for a flexible yet concrete structure.

Radical & Alternative thought process is required for Change
Need for a Configurable N/W Router
Configuratble Router that can dynamically configure Radio
Need for a Flexible Physical Medium (Radio)

This phase also addresses, the need for 24 x 7 x 365 operation with little maintenance. The main factors why people constantly flow towards centralized services are :

  • 24 x 7 x 365 uptime
  • overwhelming resource availability for seemingly negligible cost
  • no need to maintain the infrastructure

One has to be critical about building a communication infrastructure, and running self hosted web services that actually enable them to communicate easily with others. Indvidually one will not have all the economy to keep on expanding the underlying hardware infrastructure based on the always expanding requirement and desires. How will one announce about their services, blogs, websites, social participation, etc.. ? What will happen if so many tries to access the self hosted services, beyond a threshold level - beyond which the hardware resources needs to be upgraded & expanded.

Thus communities has to build infrastructure, protocols, services, applications, with the following properties in their thought process. One cannot deny that the open source development model has already addressing them properly. Such open strategy have helped communities to create projects that are lean, mean, infrastructure independent, democratic, transparent, secured, hackable, .... among other really beneficial usecase factors. Here the complexity involved in bring the stability, flexibility, portability are not hidden, but transparently shared between anyone who is interested to care to look at.

On the other hand, proprietary - conventionally closed, centralized systems limited by their business models and policies tend to close their development methods & practices, nobody out of that infrastructure do not know how the resources are managed, expanded based on user requirements. Such practice have created a perpetuating resource hungry system that pushes technological frontier synthetically while at the same time taming the users to imagine that the system can supply overwhelming, if not not a indefinite resource with "best stability & reliability".

→ PHASE 3:

With Phase 1 & Phase 2 serving the needs of the infrastructure, it has to be propagated for use. No, not only propagation, the infrastructure has to gain social density, the self hosted services & applications has to be attractive & fun to use. That is when Word of Mouth effect kicks in & further drives Network effect, that substantially spreads through the current infrastructure, that leads to the change in infrastructure itself. It is almost similar to the current infrastructure is guiding the populace to use a much better infrastructure, letting itself die...

Acceptability, Availability, & Affordability.
N/W effect : Food Systems Participation
N/W effect : Peer Production in Textile

To enable individual creativity and help each individual network locally, necessary infrastructure has to be provided for each community and to each individual when possible. By adapting the same principle, it is necessary to view communication in such light. When communication is commons driven, will help form communities, cross-pollinate with other communities instead of chasing after reckless business models. Participation will be effective, when confusion is less & rationality is more. Rationality necessitates critical thinking, civic participation in governance, policy research, etc.. Such research again depends upon knowing the ground truth information in field. The current structure of internet, mostly does have lot of pseudo-scientific, conspiracy, paranoia driving elements. Massive flow of such information through centralized social networks, overwhelms the criticial research data and often obscures it.

N/W effect : Peer Production for Home products

Searching, Identifying, remembering, of such sources & to further peer review have been an additional burden. Remember Information Overload ? When communities form with a governance in it, these false thoughts, unproved data, non-peer reviewed, unscientific, conspiracy stories can be weeded out. Such phenomenon is already a part of current Internet. With local Organization, problems can be addressed easily, with global ideas and customizations, which might not be possible with individual action. This again necessitates availability of peer produced tools & infrastructure to curb these erupting dissonance. When individuals economy & business is supported by a commons infrastructure, it becomes part of the life, instead of a purchasable unit of commodity from market. Local economies cannot be dominated by Centralized Controllers.

N/W effect : Peer Production in Recreation, Arts & Architecture

We shall discuss about Peer Production in another article deeply :)


  1. Why should one self host ?
  2. Web Served Series
  3. Taking e-mail back - P I
  4. Taking e-mail back - P II
  5. Communication Networks - P2P Foundation
  6. Designing N/W from scratch
  7. Rhizomatica - Community Telecommunications Infrastructure

