A must read book for whoever conscious about the Government and State's power over people even in a democracy. One can clearly visualize several court room case studies of historically remarkable judgements that would affect further decisions of any other emerging social issues. Erosion of democracy seems to be very much possible with time and enough power. K.G. Kannabiran, narrates a critical view of how Indian Constitution can be interpreted. It is getting easier and easier for the State to subjugate people through several unjust laws that polluted and still polluting the constitution. Despite its critical analysis of constitution of India, its democracy & political economy - this book is not seeing enough day light which it deserves. Personally i feel author stands as touchstone for questioning authority professionally. No wonder, he is always surrounded by prying eyes, and also seen as enemy of the state.
What can one learn ?
Definetely, youth and elderly of India must read this book, to have a rational introspection based on proper case study proofs, aggregated and compiled by the respected author himself - who have helped in rescuing several citizens from the alligator clutches of State. If you are constantly questioning yourselves:
- Why you feel so punified before the State ?
- How come politicians and police became so much powerful ?
- Why constitution of India is so much polluted with unjust laws ?
- Wondering about contradictory nature of legislature ?
- Why economic democracy is not getting enough light in a socialistic secular democratic nation ?
- Wonder why police is beating up often the citizens who protest peacefully, instead of protecting them ?
- Want to learn about Human Rights & Civil Liberties ?
- Like to become a informed and well educated citizen ?
- Interested in supporting Human Rights & Civil Liberties movement - activism ?
Then this book is for you.
I have not yet completed reading the book, and i hope i can finish reading this book and represent it text form and in web most probably with some narration and story telling within next year(2018). For those who want to listen his voice please do see the documentary The Advocate, directed by Deepa Dhanraj and produced by Kalpana Kannabiran. It is based on the life of KG Kannabiran, India's foremost champion of civil liberties and human rights, and was the president of Peoples' Union for Civil Liberties for over two decades.
To Do:
- Create interactive content reflecting the book
- Complete the OCR, error rectification
- Type the book in English, if possible translate to other local languages
- Either publish it through gutenberg or internet archive